Saturday, May 8, 2010

Should children should be taught sex education in schools?

Should children should be taught sex education in schools? I thing that students should be taught about sex ed in school. It is very important to educate young kids about sex. If they know the consequences of having sex or unprotected sex maybe they might think twice before they do it. If kids knew that they could get an STD or get a woman pergnant by having sex or unprotected sex maybe they would think twice before they did it. Even having safe sex is risky. Sometimes when using a condom it could pop or rip open. If that happens the end result would most likely be a baby coming in 9 months or worse case senario catching an STD. If the parents actually sat down with their kids & talked to them about the risks of having sex maybe their wouldent be some many kids with children of their own. That & the school educating the kids on it to would probably make a big difference. Sex ed is very important because it teaches the kids the risks of having unprotected sex & teahces them about  STDs that are affecting young kids. When I have kids I would want my kid to be taught about sex in school, of course I would educate them myself but its important for them to be taught about sex in school!

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