Saturday, May 8, 2010

Will the Internet bring people of the world closer together?

I believe that the internet can & will bring people closer together. You could have a family member way on the other side of the world or in a different state & you could use web sites like yahoo IM, gmail, facebook, myspace or skype to stay in contact with them. Not only family but you could use other site for work purpose`s aswell. Lets say that you need to have a business meeting with someone in a different country, you could use a site where the web cams are needed & there you are in that meeting you in your country & they are in there`s. Not only can you have your business meeting & stay in contact with family, but you can connect with old friends, people from hihg school or old college friends. So in my opinion I think that the internet can & will bring people in the world closer together.

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