Monday, June 21, 2010


Oh NO, it happenned again!The last time I actually cry was right after The 2010 N.BA FINALS. I cryed because my team, the Boston Celtics got beat by the, Los Angeles Lakers. I was so happy again that 1 of my NBA teams made it to the championship game. The entire game I was happy because we were winning. But as we all know at the end Kobe Bryant stepped up his game & won it for the Lakers. I was so dissappointed that we lost. But what makes it worse is that alot of my friend were going for the Lakers. Again like the Colts game, I had to hear it from everyone in school  on how my team lost. I felt so bad & sad that the tears just started to come out. This was the last time that I cryed about something! Seeing my team the Boston Celtics walk & run off of the court defeated!! SO DISAPPOINTING YET AGAIN! BUT OH WELL, I`AM STILL A KOBE HATER HAHA!

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