Saturday, April 24, 2010

The young man left the school hurriedly and as he boared the bus...

The young man left school hurriedly and as he boarded the bus… he noticed that a huge fight broke out by the school. He noticed a boy that looked like his friend was involved in the altercation. The boy tried to get off of the bus but he was not able to because the driver had already drove off. The young man frantically tried to call and texts message his friend on the phone but there was no answer. He then got off at the next bus stop and ran back towards the school to see if his friend was hurt or in any trouble, but by the time he got back the fight was already over. The school resource officer, school security, administrators & the county police had already arrived on the scene and taken the boys of the altercation in to custody and back to school. The young man tried to find out if it was his friend that was involved in the altercation or not. He ran into another friend of his in which he confirmed the young man suspicions of his friend being involved in that fight. The two young men waited to see what would happen to their friend, would he get suspended or arrested for fighting. In the end the school resource officer came out with both boys in handcuffs from the administrators office, one was getting arrested & the young man’s friend was being released due to the fact that he did not start it, but he did get an outdoor suspension from the school. The young man asked his friend why the fight started & the boy said “I don’t know he started it"

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