Monday, March 1, 2010

The last time I cried

The very last time I actually cry was right after Super Bowl 44. I cryed because my team, the Indianapolis Colts got beat by the "WHO DAT" nation, the New Orleans Saints. I was so happy that my team made it to the championship game. I even had a Super Bowl party at my house. The whole game I was happy because we were winning. But as we all know at the end Peyton Manning threw that interception that put the game out of reach! I was so dissappointed that we lost. But what made it worse was that a friend of mine was going for the "WHO DAT" nation, him being there made it worse because he would not shut up about the game & how my team lost. I think that at that very moment it hit me, we just lost the championship! I felt so bad & sad that the tears just started to come out. This was the last time that I cryed about something! Peyton Manning walking off of the field with his head down was exactly how I felt & how I walked out of the room with my blue Manning jersey after the game! SO DISAPPOINTING!

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