Monday, January 25, 2010



CHARACTERISTICS: Funny, Caring, Dedicated, Competitive

RELATIVES: brother of Alex, son of Jorge & Martha Aguilar

LOVER OF: The Outdoors, Food, Sports, My family & friends

WHO FEELS: Happy, Competitive, Dedicated

WHO NEEDS: Money, A new truck, A new boat motor

WHO FEARS: Poisonous snakes, Poisonous spiders, Failure

WHO GIVES: Respect, A helping hand, Give people a hard time

WOULD LOVE TO SEE: 4 TIME NASCAR CHAMPION Jimmie Johnson, President Barack Obama, & President Bill Clinton

RESIDENT OF: Carol City, FL.

LAST NAME: Aguilar

He saw her walking by everyday

Class Assignment: Possible Free Write Prompt: He saw her pass everyday at the same time, but he is too afraid to talk to her. He might be afraid of being rejected, or he might have thought that she might be out of his league. He might also be thinking that she might be married or that she might have a boyfriend. He could also be afraid of being in a long term relationship.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My First Blog

Hey everyone, what up. This my very first blog. I`am doing it as a class assignment for my Composition 1 class. I`am currently trying to get my associates degree in Criminal Justice & Science. I`am going to try to be a law enforcement officer in Miami-Dade County in Florida. I hope that everyone is having an awesome weekend & that you all have a good work week. Oh & please don't forget to go out & help in donating canned goods & other items to assist in the aide to Haiti. These people need all the help they can get. It doesn't have to be much, 1 can will make a big difference in someone`s life. So if you can please help out, join your local community leaders & help Haiti get through this terrible disaster! Thanks everyone & take care!