Monday, February 8, 2010


In my childhood there was a few challenges thrown at me. When I was in highschool, I almost enlisted in the military, the U.S Army. The one person that helped me out during that time was my girlfriend at that time. She made it very clear that if I join the military she would break up with me & never talk to me again. With her saying that, it changed my mind completely. If I would have gone I would probably be in either Iraq or in Afgahnistan fighting in the war right now. I really beleave that she probably saved my life because as we all know that war is very unpridictable. Now I`m in college getting my degree in Criminal Justice. In my eyes she saved me & helped me get in to this position, we are no longer together but I still thank her for helping me to get to this position. We still talk every now & then but now she is in the position I was in during my high school years. Hopefully I can give her the same advice that she gave me & maybe convince her not to leave just like she did me back in the day!

Monday, February 1, 2010


When I was young there are a few things that I couldent live with out. I know that one thing I couldent leave home without was my very first bike. I had a very cool Huffy bike that was blue at the age of 5. I would not want to leave home without it. It would be an on going battle with my dad because I did not want to leave it at home. But I would always win because mom would tell dad to leave me alone, so my bike would go everywhere with me at all times.